經常聽到這句話:打開我們的心,不要那樣心硬。但是我們有否實行天主旨意呢?我們應當更加肖似耶穌,不要因為弟兄姊妹與我們的不同而排斥他們 。
I want to write about my reflections on the St. Margaret Youth Retreat. I found the journey to be very enlightening, having a weekend to spend in Stanley, to really just to think, reflect and to pray. I really appreciate the different Bible studies that we had, especially on the many different Bible verses that we are very familiar with but with new insights that we have not thought of. In general, the Youth Retreat allowed us to get closer to God as it was such a great getaway from the business of Hong Kong. One of the highlights for me was the Taizé prayer, where we prayed and sang Taizé songs by the cross. I also really enjoyed the opportunity to speak to Bishop Ha and Father Kim. I was able to really share about my experience and asked them for spiritual direction.
I haven’t done a Youth Retreat in Hong Kong ever, so this is my first Youth Retreat. I’m really happy that I’ve joined. When I was younger, I went to Sunday School at St. Margaret Church, but as I grow older, I don’t really feel I am a part of the community at St. Margaret, so I’m really happy for this opportunity to go to the Youth Retreat, where I get to bond with different St. Margaret people and to have a community where like-minded Catholics could share about their faith and explore their spiritual journey. I look forward to joining the next Youth Retreat. I want to give my heartfelt thanks to St Margaret Youth as well as Bishop Ha and Father Kim to help organize this retreat!
Dear Melody (To myself – ten years ago),
I hope this letter finds you well, and I apologise for not reaching out sooner. Please be aware that you are always present in my thoughts.
Recently, I attended a retreat session with the Catholic Youth led by Bishop Ha and Father Kim. During the retreat, we engaged in an activity where we randomly picked cards featuring different animals to discuss how the animals reminded us of ourselves. One particular card caught my attention that immediately brought you up in my mind—a reindeer with prominent antlers.
A reindeer with sharp antlers
Reindeers, by nature, engage in frequent and intense sparring battles using their antlers to protect their interests. As you graduate and embark on your journey into the workforce and the wider world, I understand you experience heightened values conflicts. Unsurprisingly, you have always become highly vigilant and defensive, always having your inner “antlers” ready for use. You may relate to the words of David in the Psalms, who spoke of hearing whispers and experiencing terror from every side (Psalm 31:13) as if confining one’s soul within a besieged city. All these have taken a heavy toll on you.
“My yoke is easy.”
I recall you constantly asking yourself, surely in a world where the prevailing values run in opposition with Christian values, the lives of Christians should have been more complex and more challenging to bear? Bishop Ha revisited Jesus’s words and actions with us during the retreat. He reminded us of Jesus’s saying that his yoke is easy and his burden is light (Matthew 11:30). Jesus walks inside us as we grapple with challenges and confusion, which he only knew too well.
Road to Emmaus
Bishop Ha also drew our attention to the cover of the retreat booklet, which featured the biblical scene of the Risen Christ walking with Cleopas and another anonymous traveller on the road to Emmaus, listening patiently to Cleopas’s doubts and anxieties upon witnessing the crucifixion (Luke 24:13-35). Bishop Ha suggested that as we come across people with different values and temperaments, we may cultivate understanding, patience and sympathy as Jesus did.
Strive to imitate Christ, the prince of peace. Make peace with others and the world we are living in, and eventually, make peace with your past. Some years later, you may re-consider the need to uphold your antlers constantly.
There are so many other rewarding experiences and insights one can gain from the retreat. I will leave you to find out for yourself. I have just signed up for more retreats in the future. We will catch up soon.
With love and support,
You, ten years later.
青年牧民組藉此再次感謝夏主教及金神父,在百忙之中抽空為我們帶領是次職青退省。如大家有興趣參與本堂區的職青團體或了解日後的職青活動,請把聯絡方法交到堂區詢問處,並備註:「青年牧民組收 — 職青查詢」,以便義工聯絡。主佑!